20mn Eye Exam By Professional Optician
Check For Near & Far Vision
The first step involves checking your far and near vision to determine any visual acuity issues you may have. This is done through a series of tests that assess your ability to see objects at different distances.
Check For Eye Diseases
The second step involves checking for eye diseases such as glaucoma, cataracts, and macular degeneration. This is done through a series of tests that assess the health of your eyes and detect any underlying conditions that may affect your vision.
The Right Lenses For You
The third and final step involves prescribing the right lenses for your needs based on the results of the previous two steps. This involves an evaluation of your visual needs and lifestyle. With Lapaire Glasses, you can be sure that you will receive the right eyeglasses to support your overall eye health.

50 locations in 7 countries in Africa
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